Home > News Feed > The Japanese army slaughtered the villagers of trap, the Eighth Route Army's beat him at his own game against the Japanese Weijian

The Japanese army slaughtered the villagers of trap, the Eighth Route Army's beat him at his own game against the Japanese Weijian

2015-08-21 18:43:03 by covalently China News Network Texts translated by machine.
The Japanese army slaughtered the villagers of trap, the Eighth Route Army's beat him at his own game against the Japanese Weijian
the New Fourth Army detachment of three in the horse home implementation ambush battle - 1939, Eighth Route Army in the battle of Yang Village seized the Japanese artillery - 1944 years, Hebei in the Eighth Route Army troops launched a grenade launchers firing training, improve plain ambush fire attack ability since 1938, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have entered in the plain area of Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other province to establish. Compared with the mountain area, the flat...