Home > News Feed > Wang baoqiang was revealed on naijin xiong The woman denied: private not contact (figure)

Wang baoqiang was revealed on naijin xiong The woman denied: private not contact (figure)

2017-01-10 17:54:41 by International online Texts translated by machine.
Wang baoqiang was revealed on naijin xiong The woman denied: private not contact (figure)
Wang baoqiang is new girlfriend had naijin xiong Tencent entertainment (word/RanRui) on January 9, Taiwan media reported wang baoqiang walked out of the haze in the divorce, "new relationship" with the actor's naijin xiong exposure, meet was photographed two people go to the gym, netizens. Trying to contact the parties to this, tencent entertainment, but wang baoqiang agent mobile phone was turned off, the naijin xiong has to tencent entertainment exclusive denied that way: "false, photo is a few years...