Home > News Feed > Railway warning bar did not fall The train will be two cars flying (FIG.)

Railway warning bar did not fall The train will be two cars flying (FIG.)

2016-12-23 02:13:53 by Northeast network Texts translated by machine.
Railway warning bar did not fall The train will be two cars flying (FIG.)
On December 21, 14 PM around 55 points, wenzhou ouhai district in xinqiao street road railway crossing a green train with a zhongtai car, a four-wheel van van collision. Witness the crowds said, the railroad mouth bars and didn't put down, the train hit directly from east to west is running side by side through the crossing of the two cars. The reporter understands from wenzhou traffic police department, at the scene of the accident caused a minivan on 1 and 3 cars, a total of...