Home > News Feed > Liang wenbo said power match first 16 ranking guide for the rockets to do sightseeing

Liang wenbo said power match first 16 ranking guide for the rockets to do sightseeing

2016-10-28 12:55:41 by sina Texts translated by machine.
Liang wenbo said power match first 16 ranking guide for the rockets to do sightseeing
To do his guide sina sports - after liang wenbo Beijing standard time on October 26, 2016, the world snooker championship on the fourth day in daqing international competition. Had in hand in the second round of competition, the match point of liang wenbo bitter after 11 bureau, eventually to a 5-6 defeat against selby, for eight. After the game, liang wenbo admitted that he failed to seize the opportunity. Now, his duty is over, then he will wait for good...