Home > News Feed > Sheenah challenges to imitate the new heights of Carina Lau a poke heart was moved to tears

Sheenah challenges to imitate the new heights of Carina Lau a poke heart was moved to tears

2016-09-30 01:30:43 by International Online Texts translated by machine.
Sheenah challenges to imitate the new heights of Carina Lau a poke heart was moved to tears
Hunan satellite TV, "we have come to the" this Friday will usher in the Xinjiang wrap station, the sun goddess Sheenah said in an interview on this trip is very sad. Although Xinjiang station record has ended, but the relation and interaction of ten guests still in WeChat exchange very much, Nana said with a smile that "we have come to the" director bureau group guests all the first and second seasons together, that picture is so beautiful, so people are looking forward to. Turning to Nana in two...