Home > News Feed > Harbin police release of Harbin songhua river section 12 dangerous waters

Harbin police release of Harbin songhua river section 12 dangerous waters

2016-07-16 23:24:45 by The big river Texts translated by machine.
Epicenter wide network of Harbin, July 16 (reporter ChiSong) the reporter understands from Harbin city public security bureau, a few days ago, to prevent drowning incident, the public security department issued the Harbin songhua river section 12 dangerous Jiang Duan, warns a citizen, please stay away from these dangerous waters. At the same time, the police in dangerous Jiang Duan warning float, intensify controls the safety of the waters, Marine police patrolled the dangerous waters are normalized, every day do find danger at any time, at any time rescue...