Home > News Feed > The central plains "m" glyph high-speed take shape Henan construction busy (FIG.)

The central plains "m" glyph high-speed take shape Henan construction busy (FIG.)

2016-06-30 17:26:52 by The Chinese news Texts translated by machine.
Beijing, nanyang, June 30 (xinhua Dong Fei) in the past two years, the mainland high-speed line layout is encrypted, "m" glyph lines were take shape in the central plains. Reporter recently visited found, among them, "Zheng Wangao iron" henan construction in full swing. In late June, the "iron" Zheng Wangao henan new item section of construction site, the workers are busy, the local has also started construction. Reporter walked into China railway 10 bureau group new item south beam field, I saw two gantry crane...