Home > News Feed > Hubei shennongjia found golden eagles circling above (FIG.)

Hubei shennongjia found golden eagles circling above (FIG.)

2016-02-18 12:49:15 by The Chinese news Texts translated by machine.
Beijing, wuhan in hubei shennongjia February 18 (Reuters)) name (yujie.i am an altitude of 1300 meters, eight line above the deciduous broad-leaved forest, February 17, a photographer, finding a neck gold and white flight waist, body length of about 80 cm large raptor is hovering around in the air. The central China agricultural college bird expert appraisal, shang this large birds of prey is a golden eagles. According to introducing, 2, 3 months during the golden eagles breeding season, the hovering in the air is chasing courtship...