Home > News Feed > Full 24 years for the first time at home for the holiday Chen: very busy but dare not go out too far

Full 24 years for the first time at home for the holiday Chen: very busy but dare not go out too far

2016-02-14 08:30:55 by The Chinese news Texts translated by machine.
Under 23 years, Chen acquitted, the year of the monkey Spring Festival, he wish to enjoy Spring Festival with my family for the first time. New Year's eve, the family took family: sitting in the central, Chen father Chen Yuancheng eyes mi became a crack in your photo... Eldest sister-in-law Li Yuqi also specially turned up family during the Spring Festival in 1991, was full of holding the eldest brother, the son of Chen Tian. Today, Chen Tian already married. This inside of you and your family 24 years later, more full of Chen's nephew daughter-in-law Wang Yiran...