Home > News Feed > 58 men half a year to build the liaoning ship model: 28 kg copper thousands of rivet

58 men half a year to build the liaoning ship model: 28 kg copper thousands of rivet

2017-03-30 10:16:30 by The Chinese news Texts translated by machine.
58 men half a year to build the liaoning ship model: 28 kg copper thousands of rivet
Close to 2 meters in length, in the whole refracted the light of the quiet and beautiful, a miniature liaoning ship of eaves, is not lost because of the reduced scale down a peg or two. Not only that, the copper material of liaoning ship model is built entirely by hand, took the first complete, a finely crafted. "Because I have more than 10 years of business, and forces so deep affection and respect of forces." Liaoning ship model maker...