Home > News Feed > Cold air invading north China Beijing local today there will be a heavy snow

Cold air invading north China Beijing local today there will be a heavy snow

2017-03-24 07:01:38 by The Chinese news Texts translated by machine.
Cold air invading north China Beijing local today there will be a heavy snow
Beijing, Beijing on March 24 (Reuters) fold down coat hurriedly take out! Affected by a new cold air in northern China is from west to east in the cool rain and snow weather. Among them, Beijing changping, yanqing local today there will be heavy snow, the minimum temperature back to 0 ℃, is likely to be the coldest day since march. The cold air is coming! Northern local cooling rate up to 8 ℃ cold air influence, for days, in northern China from west to east in rain and snow fall...