Home > News Feed > Rejected by owner glum dirty money Bank remind: shall not refuse to accept the RMB

Rejected by owner glum dirty money Bank remind: shall not refuse to accept the RMB

2016-10-24 12:18:55 by Guangxi news network Texts translated by machine.
Rejected by owner glum dirty money Bank remind: shall not refuse to accept the RMB
Money dirty rejected The owner is very depressed Bank remind: no unit or individual may refuse to accept the RMB, worn coin can reference standard for above: Mr So this piece of RMB 20 no incomplete, just have a light blue stain on the back of the yuan. Below: clean 20 yuan note Guangxi news network - al-hayat contemporary news (reporter into bright interns Yao Xiaofang article/photo) because the money have besmirch, can refuse to accept RMB? ...