Home > News Feed > The driver thought years old children drunken driving traffic police National Day vacation (map)

The driver thought years old children drunken driving traffic police National Day vacation (map)

2016-10-08 21:12:09 by International online Texts translated by machine.
The driver thought years old children drunken driving traffic police National Day vacation (map)
The driver drunk driving was found that the traffic police National Day holiday. Screenshots (network), according to the chongqing times weibo on October 7, traffic patrol seized an alcohol driving women drivers in sandy area, li mou, according to the party with family and friends to drink a little wine, thought traffic patrol National Day holidays don't go to work, not check, driving home will take any chances. Police found the car have a children under the age of 2 and a woman more than 60 years of age. Li mou will face a driver's license for six months and fined...