Home > News Feed > Mild-manner singer with everyday talk about son: marriage is not a big deal, he was happy

Mild-manner singer with everyday talk about son: marriage is not a big deal, he was happy

2016-09-28 14:44:25 by International online Texts translated by machine.
Mild-manner singer with everyday talk about son: marriage is not a big deal, he was happy
Mild-manner singer with mild-manner singer with "old male god" had already have a son? Recently, mild-manner singer with hunan satellite TV "day day up" on four degrees programs, chat son: for the first time for me, marriage is not a big deal, but have a son, feel so happy. It is reported, this programme will be held on October 7, as a tribute National Day special. This week's "day day up" on National Day special "young music festival,...