Home > News Feed > 41 years old Dutch man to see a female net friend Humble abode changsha airport more than 10 days

41 years old Dutch man to see a female net friend Humble abode changsha airport more than 10 days

2016-08-02 06:31:10 by Northeast network Texts translated by machine.
41 years old Dutch man to see a female net friend Humble abode changsha airport more than 10 days
On July 31, changsha, Peter a person quietly sitting on the bed, looked lonely. Figure/reporter GuPengBo interns Wang Yueting 41, a Dutch guy Peter to changsha has been more than ten days, but always humble abode in huanghua international airport, changsha female net friend hesitated because he have to wait. Long time rest bad with his own suffering from severe diabetes, Pitt's heart and kidney problems, to allow the July 29th night...