Home > News Feed > 16043 lottery color fruit: Schalk 2-1 Borussia Getafe draw

16043 lottery color fruit: Schalk 2-1 Borussia Getafe draw

2016-03-19 17:22:06 by Sina Texts translated by machine.
16043 lottery color fruit: Schalk 2-1 Borussia Getafe draw
Schalk 2-1 Borussia Beijing on March 19th morning, victory in 16043rd over all the 14 game of the competition. De Kaschalk 2-1's home court home court and erval Borussia; La Liga Getafe draw 2-5 defeat Olympique Marseilles home court. De Nehedenheim and Padma Byrne are in the home court to harvest a draw, Berlin United found. B 8 games, two wins, two draws, win more games...