Home > News Feed > In case of men call dead you blackmail 9 days 2 Wantong telephone to spend money to buy clean

In case of men call dead you blackmail 9 days 2 Wantong telephone to spend money to buy clean

2015-11-29 22:51:00 by river network Texts translated by machine.
manager Lee, aren't you, harassing you for such a long time, you are not should said ah... " On the sixth day of the phone is being harassed, Mr. Lee received a phone call from a strange phone call...... From November 20 to 29, nine days, Mr. Li Changchun people suddenly suffered inexplicable phone harassment, his cell phone has been ringing non-stop, 9 days received a total of more than 20000 telephone, a serious impact on his daily life and work. And make him more...